Frances Cruz, LPC →

Frances Cruz, LPC →

Frances Cruz

Everyone has a story.

While we learn language as children, we also learn languages relating to relationships and interactions. The content of those interactions may eventually become the words that we speak. Those experiences and connections with others impact how we engage others and how we expect to be engaged. We learn to express ourselves according to these terms, but there is always more to the story.

As your couples therapist, I am here to support you and partner in exploring the languages, interactions and connection of your relationship.

I will provide a safe, nonjudgmental environment for you and your partner to collaboratively explore the hurdles that impact relational fulfillment. The expression of yearning and longing is a powerful tool used to restore closeness within relationships. Within our work, we will explore how unmet needs are sometimes expressed through anger or isolation, how minor misunderstandings create conflicts, and how unresolved hurts build resentments. Through a strength-based approach that emphasizes mindfulness and empathy, we will collaboratively unpack current relationship challenges and integrate more effective interactional patterns and communication.

In looking through the stories shaping your narratives of your relationship, my goal is to help you take a closer look at your past and how it impacts you and your partner in the present moment. By having a safe and secure space to share our experiences, it is possible to shift how we see and feel about ourselves, our partner, and our relationship. It is possible to identify and reconnect with our needs, wishes and desires and that of our partner and our relationship. This is vital to creating a meaningful connection with your partner.

Sometimes the path to understanding comes from embracing your felt experience and then nurturing it, rather than being resistant to it. While taking the first steps toward couples therapy can be intimidating, it can also be the most courageous part of your journey together. I will prioritize both of your needs and encourage a partnership dynamic while establishing, implementing, and meeting your relational goals.

I look forward to learning your story.


Education: Frances has completed a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Northeastern Illinois University.

Supervised by Michael Villarreal, LCPC, State of Illinois #180010064.